Your body is designed to feel good.


The alternation between cold and warm weather is usually a period of common colds and other problems such as flu.

Your body is designed to feel good.

Your body is designed to feel good.

The alternation of cold and warm weather is usually a time of common colds and other problems such as flu.
There are many lucky people who seem to be less prone to illness. These people are blessed with a "quality immune system". An optimal immune system can be achieved! All you need is to take care of your health, and your body's defense system will help alleviate flu symptoms - or even prevent them altogether.

"So, what should we do?" One of the foundations of a strong immune system is a healthy diet. Vitamins A, B C and E, and other antioxidants found in plants, will boost your immune system more than the complex vitamin products you can buy in drugstores.

Also, an active lifestyle. Don't be afraid to get out into nature whenever you can - and be really active outdoors.

If you've chosen an active lifestyle such as dancing or gymnastics, you'll also benefit from the stimulation of music.

People often forget how important relaxing the body is in combating everyday stress. Regular sauna sessions are a great idea. Especially an infrared sauna will help your body revive your light.

Why not take advantage of the last warm days of the year? Go out and have fun under the beautiful and natural light of the sun!

And don't forget: Lavylites products will help you find your inner balance and your physical and mental strength.

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