Which products to take on a trip or on holiday - LAVYcosmetics.com


Which products to take on a trip or on holiday - LAVYcosmetics.com

Hello, ladies and gentlemen,

because it's finally so beautiful outside and you're taking trips and vacationing.

We have a video for you on which products to be sure to take with you and how to use them properly to be most effective.

Or: Those who are prepared are not surprised.

The video starts when you click on the image:

Or you can watch it at these links:

LAVYcosmetics: https: //www.lavycosmetics.com/ktere-produkty-sebou-na-vylet-nebo-na-dovolenou

Youtube: https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Jq1pa6KSWA



Michal for


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