
Read our article and it will become clear to you how it is possible that Lavylites products work so miraculously.



(Read our article and it will become clear to you how it is possible that Lavylites products work so miraculously.)

Sometimes, especially in hard times, it seems that because of all the work, tasks and pressing issues, there is no time for a nice moment over something we enjoy and find fulfilling. And when we do get away, maybe for a walk or some time with the kids, we still think about the work and tasks that still await us, or plague us...

(The mind communicates with us with bad feelings and the body with pressures, pain and illnesses.)

Is there anything we can do to prevent this?

Do you know the name Dr. Masaru Emoto?

He was a Japanese scientist who spent many years researching the effect of thoughts and emotions on matter, most often water.

His most famous experiment was to write negative words like "hate", "I will kill you", "I loathe you", etc. on a glass of water."and on the other glass of water words with positive meanings such as "love", "peace", "thank you", etc.".

For several days he let the words "act" on the water in the glass and then froze the water and examined its crystals under a nanomicroscope.

To his surprise, he found that each word had its own specific crystal.

The ice crystals from the water in the glass with the derogatory words were variously deformed, ugly and even scary. In contrast, the crystals from the jars with positive inscriptions made beautiful symmetrical "snowflakes".

Do you know what percentage of water our human body is composed of?

About 50 to 60%.

And now we know that we also "program" this water (and consequently our cells) in our body with our thoughts with our emotions!

How many thoughts run through your head during the day?

And are these thoughts positive or negative?

And what words in your vocabulary do you use and let into your consciousness?

So our body, through our consciousness, can be somehow "programmed"!

And if we don't have enough positive thoughts, positive words and positive emotions during the day, what to do about it?


The products Haevyl 3.I and Lavyl Auricum, have also been tested with the "Emoto test" and if we spray them into water, freeze this water and then put them into a nanomicroscope, they make beautiful positive crystals!

What does this mean?

That our products, Lavylites products, carry a very high consciousness. A consciousness that can reprogram the human body in the same way that a large number of positive thoughts, words and emotions can!!

The result of using our products is a healthy body and the retreat of diseases.

Don't have the time and energy during the day for a flood of positive thoughts words and emotions?

And you already have your Haevyl 3.I? Or your Lavyl Auricum?

PS: in addition, by using them, our immunity will be boosted and quite substantially.

Dr. Emoto's experiments:

The result of testing Lavylites, Emoto test:

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